
What is a broker?

Written by Admin | Oct 17, 2019 6:22:00 AM

In a media world dominated by myth, spin and hype it’s no wonder truth gets twisted. So let’s sort out a few misconceptions about the role of brokers. You’ll find sharks in the dark corners of every profession, but brokers are usually a positive force in business. A good broker will find your business exactly the right finance for whatever you need to do next. A good broker will want to know every aspect of your business. And a good broker will listen intently to your story, your values and vision, how you got to where you are now, where you want to be next month, next year and five years from now. We’ll come back to the listening thing later.

People contact a broker when faced with either crisis or opportunity. First, crisis: the best case scenario has evaporated and your cash flow’s in free fall. It feels like your hair’s on fire and the ground really will open up and cast you into darkness any day now. Brokers are used to helping people in stressful situations. We appreciate how much sheer hard work it takes to create a business. We understand the responsibility of carrying jobs, livelihoods and aspirations on your shoulders. We have the education, experience and skillset to help when the pressure’s on. Think of us like an old, trusted friend you can be very honest with, and who’ll be just as honest with you. We’ll source the best financial deal which matches your long term strategic goals, get you moving in the right direction again and ensure you won’t be back in this situation. Free of debilitating worry, you can get back to what you do best.

Second, opportunity: you’ve landed a big new contract and a vast ocean of commercial possibility shimmers before you. You need the finance to expand, to flourish in this new environment. A good broker will spend time getting to grips with the needs and aspirations of your business. We will represent you to the market, projecting your company as credible and dynamic. And, just as we won’t let our friends in short term trouble sign away the family jewels, we’ll stop your ego becoming so inflated you commit to something that diverts you from a solid, safe pathway to success.

Back to the listening thing: very few people like to take the time to really listen. For us it’s vital. If we don’t understand your business, we won’t be effective in helping you.

We’re 100% independent. We take our independence extremely seriously. Our deep, detailed knowledge of the market allows us to source you the best deal, not flog you the equivalent of dodgy goods off the back of a lorry. Our sole purpose is to deliver the right transaction for you, the client. We like to get to know you, and to add value to your business. It may sound high minded, but we want your business to be better for having worked with us. By working with us we hope you’ll have saved time and money, gained some new insights, and developed a stronger understanding of how to reach your strategic goals.

Alan Anderson